Cornwall Photographic Alliance
The Cornwall Photographic Alliance represents camera clubs and photographic societies in Cornwall.
The Western Counties Photographic Federation
The Western Counties Photographic Federation organises competitions, exhibitions and lectures, as well as linking individual photography clubs to the national federation - the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.
The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain is an organisation that co-ordinates specific activities for photographic clubs in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It does this through 5 geographical regions known as Federations. The PAGB organises national competitive photographic events for its Federations and for clubs. It also offers other services such as Recorded Lectures to clubs and its own photographic Distinctions (known as awards for photographic merit) direct to qualifying club members. The PAGB has strong links with similar organisations in different countries throughout the world through its membership of FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic Art).
Websites for photographers and artists